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About Us

The Stewfano dream started in 2000 by sisters Ruth Stewart and Nickole Schifano. They both were looking for a deeply meaningful way to allow their families to experience personally giving back. The team at Stewfano has grown every year and includes many repeat volunteers.

While there is always more that can be done, there is no doubt that we are making a significant impact. We don’t measure our success through just facts and figures, but through happy faces and heartwarming feedback. See how you can become part of the difference.

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Key People

Get to Know the Faces behind Stewfano

Ruth Stewart



Many years ago, when my children were young, I set out to teach them to give back ,to look outside themselves and to be in gratitude for the abundance they enjoy we found ways to be in service around the Salt Lake Valley but I never really felt like we were making that big of a difference or that they were really seeing real poverty. On a family vacation to Puerto Penasco Mexico we noticed an orphanage and many many people living with nothing more than cardboard boxes as homes not just a person here and there but entire families. So started a Christmas tradition, my family decided to give our Christmas to that community, every year our little group grew in numbers and

I realized that what we were doing help that community for a day, many families have been blessed by us giving in that way, but I know we can do more we can create a change in the whole community and spread out to other places around the globe! Others feel the same way, and Stewfano Home Of Open Hearts  was born! The time is now let's get started!





Nickole Schifano



My passion is simple, that is, witnessing genuine smiles and laughter from children, and to see the excitement in their eyes each time they are reminded how powerful and valuable they are. Nothing in this world is more rewording. Thats why I want to create opportunities for others to experience this with me. I want my friends and family to know first had how helping others is the number one way to create happiness and value for themselves 



Maria Bennett

Board secretary



I alone cannot change the world but together we can create many ripples and through loving and teaching these kids another way of living we can change the world ​



Toni Slemko

Board Co-Chair


For a number of years I have been on a journey of self awareness, growth, and accountability. What I learned is that being in service brings me the closest to my true authentic self. It is so important to me that my children experience the same joy, balance, and gratitude that being in service to others brings me.

When Stewfano was first introduced to me, my body became covered in goosebumps. I knew that this would change the lives of so many beautiful children. These children will greatly benefit from the education, safety and nourishment Stewfano intends to provide. In the even bigger picture, the love these children will experience will have such a profound ripple effect on how
they will choose to live in their future. I am honored to be apart of this.


Synthia Gonzalez

Board Marketing Chair


Growing up in Mexico and seeing the need for food and education among many other things there made the decision for me to join Stewfano very easy.

Making a difference in other people’s lives especially children makes me very happy and whole. Teaching kids to be self-sufficient and good citizens will be an amazing thing not only for them but for all of us.

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